We are in the thick of fall as I’m writing this blog post. As you can see, at this moment, the plants are starting to retire back into the Earth until Spring. They will go unseen until the breath of warm winds and brighter days come to heal the ground. We can also go through the same cycle, not just during fall, but at any given time of the year.
“Hades Call” displays that there is still growth within reach. Even though the leaves are turning within his cool air, there is still life here to be seen.

I believe Hades comes to pay us a visit when we withdraw and dwell inside of our shadows. Some may call it depression, isolation, or shutting yourself off from the light within you. Those are just a few levels of Hades. Everyone has visited Hades in some point of time during their life. How did you weather those dark storms? When you were there visiting, did you feel unseen? Did you feel that you could stay there and allow it to consume you? Of course you did, not that you would openly admit it. “Hades Call” is not asking you to bare your soul today on the blog, so you are safe. Once we shine a light on the darkness, it’s not so bad, we can see a little path leading us to safety.
The underworld doesn’t have to destroy us, we can come out and use the experience to our advantage. You just have to allow yourself to see it as a process. More on this topic soon!

I’m excited about 2021 and what will be coming to the blog. I will be diving into some very interesting and unusual topics through art. Until my next post, stay safe and live life to the fullest!