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Valentine’s Wooden Heart Tutorial

We are less than a month away from that famous “V” day that everyone loves. I was feeling a little cramped inside since the weather here in Virginia was rainy and cold. I had to burn off some energy, so I crafted these cute little wooden hearts in a matter of an hour. Of course, I cheated a little and used my heat gun. I might have had energy to burn but I am still working on my patience.

I found some paints that were in the category of shabby chic and started by adding some to the backside of the hearts. I didn’t really put much on the front, since they were going to get covered with paper.

After they dried, I decided to lightly go over the paint with an extra-fine grit sandpaper.  Once the wood absorbs the paint it will cause the grain to get a little rough. To have a nice smooth finish it’s always a good idea to knock it off a little.

Now it’s time to pick out some fun papers to cover the front of these hearts! My go to favorite paper is anything in the pink department! The shabbier it looks, the better!

I just laid them on top of the print and traced since I was using a pencil. If any lines were to show up after I cut the heart out, I could always go back and erase the marks.

Now comes the fun part! Not really but I always feel this is the tricky part. You don’t want to use too much Mod Podge or the paper will crinkle up and if you not enough, it can cause air bubbles. I usually put a light coat on the back of the paper and a fine coat on the wood.  Seems to come out really nice.

You will need to use small scissors to cut the paper that is hanging over the sides.

After I try my best to get most of the paper off the edges, I usually go back with the extra-fine sandpaper and use it on the edges. I will also sometimes run it across the paper at the edges to give it a shabby look as well.

Our friend the Mod Podge gets another chance to show off what skills it can do. Once I get my edges looking like I want them, I paint a fine layer of Mod Podge over the paper and the sides. You can do the backs but since mine were just going to decorate the entry way by the front door, I wasn’t too worried about the backside.  I did use my heat gun to help make the Mod Podge dried a little quicker.

Found this fabulous piece of self-adhesive bling at the Dollar Tree Store. You can find wooden hearts there as well, but my hearts were left over from a project I did years ago. Mine are thicker than the ones you can find at Dollar Tree Store. They would still work and look super cute!

After I got my bling lace on my hearts, I went hunting for some cute embellishments to dress them up a bit. I used my fabulous PNG graphic set “ Shabby Chic Floral Sayings” to adorn the front of them. I uploaded the graphics to my Cricut software and added an offset to the sides. These graphics are high resolution so you can use them for sublimation as well. These are available in my shop. 

I wanted to add my hangers before decorating the front of the hearts. This way I could make sure they are glued super tight the backside.

I added foam tape to back of the printable sayings I was using to give the hearts some more dimension to their surfaces.



I added the rest of my embellishments and was finished within the hour. These are very quick and easy projects if you needed something to give to friends, family or even co-workers for Valentine’s Day.  

If you made it this far, please leave a message below! I hope I inspired you to get in the crafty mood and make something cute for yourself or as a gift! If you create this project, I would love to see how yours turned out. Tag me on Instagram or Facebook <3 Until next time, stay humble, happy and hopeful! 

Hi there! I'm Anna

I’m Anna, the artist and maker behind this creative space. For years, I’ve been crafting handmade paper florals, DIY templates, and unique home decor to inspire fellow creatives and home decorators. This blog is where I share my love for crafting, creativity, and beautiful handmade goods, blending paper, fabric, and a touch of magic.

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